
Keto Diet: How to Make Dark Chocolate Fat Bombs

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Fat bombs are bite-size high-fat, low-carb treats that are perfect for the ketogenic diet. This recipe is quick and easy to make. Full recipe is at:


– 4 oz 85% dark chocolate (114 g)
– 1 oz cacao butter (28 g)
– 1 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tbsp unsweetened vanilla extract
– 2 tbsp powdered Erythritol (20 g / 0.7 oz)
– 1/3 cup any nut butter (86 g/ 3.1 oz)
– 2 oz butter (56 g)

Nutrition facts per fat bomb:

Total carbs: 2.8 g
Net carbs: 1.8 g
Protein: 1.2 g
Fat: 12 g
Energy: 118 kcal (calories)
Carbs (6%) : Protein (4%) : Fat (90%)

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