
Introduction To The Ketogenic Diet: Science Explained

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This video is the first in a series of videos here on this channel that will focus on an exploration of the Ketogenic Diet.

If you’re interested in learning about the pros and cons of the Keto Diet, and more importantly, whether or not this diet is something for you, specifically, then – after watching this video – subscribe to this channel and check out the Ketogenic Diet Exploration playlist.

Now, let’s get started.

In this video we’re going to cover the following:

Bohr/Haldane Effects
The Randle Cycle (Fatty Acid Cycle)
How The Body Uses Glucose

In the upcoming videos we’re going to keep the ball rolling and move into:

Ketogenesis: Why and How The Body Uses Ketones For Fuel
Sugar & Antioxidant Production

Then we will finish the series off with an exploration of the scientific research around these specific topics:

Keto and Thyroid Health
Keto and Testosterone, Cortisol
Keto and Fat Loss
Keto and Cancer
Keto and Fat Loss
Keto and Muscle Building
Keto and The Brain
Exogenous Ketones
Keto Diet vs. Fasting

That should about cover all of our bases 😉

First thing’s first, let’s define the term Ketogenic Diet.

Tons of people sling the term around, but it seems as though people are bending the definition to fit their own purposes, leading to people using the same term for different protocols, which can be misleading and confusing.

Therefore, it’ll be helpful for us to identify and agree upon a definition of the actual term “ketogenic diet” before we dig into this series.

The definition I will be using for Keto Diet is a high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate diet designed to treat epilepsy in children. The depletion of glucose stores in the body requires the body to switch from glucose metabolism to ketone metabolism, a secondary energy source that proponents claim allows your body to “burn fat for fuel.”

However, as we will see shortly, this is a drastic oversimplification of the mechanisms at play.

The Ketogenic Diet was started by a physician named Russell Wilder in 1924 specifically to stop seizures in children. It has been an incredibly effective diet protocol for treating epilepsy, so its therapeutic effectiveness for this reason is not challenged.

Interestingly enough, fasting – not the Ketogenic Diet – has been used since ancient Greece to effectively treat epilepsy. Wilder’s original intention was to attempt to replicate the therapeutic benefits of fasting in a dietary protocol. Fasting is quite different from the Keto Diet however, since it’s a rejuvenative state. We will get deeper into the differences later on.

Now that we know what the Ketogenic Diet is, let’s talk about CO2 and Oxygen production in the body. This is important, so stick with me here.

A healthy metabolism is essential for overall health and long life. And almost nobody would argue this fact. Your metabolism is the sum of the chemical changes taking place inside your cells to provide your body the energy it needs to perform autonomous life-giving processes.

When cellular metabolism declines, aging accelerates, hormonal functioning suffers, and a wide range of disease states and common annoyances occur, such as stubborn body fat, weight gain, muscle wasting, and insomnia, among other things.

With the accepted importance of a healthy systemic metabolism, it’s strange how very few people really know how metabolism functions, and therefore are led down all sorts of rabbit holes with misinformation from people who also don’t know anything about it.

Here’s what you need to know:

You want your cells to produce more CO2 to increase Oxygen use and energy production.

Instead of training cells to use fatty acids for a survival metabolism, this biochemistry would suggest that humans need to utilize carbohydrate for a healthy metabolism and hormonal balance.

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