
Get in Shape: Basic Diet Rules |

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I like my diet to be simple yet effective. First of all listen to your body and avoid emotional eating – eat when you are feeling a little hungry.
Here is the list of Superfoods that I eat:

Protein — lean red meat, salmon, omega 3 eggs, low fat — plain yogurt, black beans, tempeh, kidney beans, low fat cottage cheese (lactose free if you can find it), chicken breasts, turkey breasts, protein supplements (whey protein isolates, milk protein isolates, or rice protein isolates)

Veggies and Fruits — spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, oranges, mixed berries, lettuce, bananas, grapefruits, cucumbers, kale, collards,

Other Carbs — mixed beans, quinoa, whole oats, amaranth

Good Fats — mixed nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, flax seeds (ground), coconut milk,

Drinks — green tea, liquid exercise drinks (quickly digested carbohydrate and protein), greens supplement

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